Wow. I feel high right now. After all the games this season that have gone down to the wire, after all the injuries, after all the giant British JT robots, we finally did it. Cleo Lemon had a hell of a game and the defense came through in spades. It wasn't perfect, but the days of criticizing Dolphin wins is over.
After our only win this season, I got bombarded with emails about people relating their feelings and experiences about it. I had a really great time reading all the emails and comments and it reminded me how important this team is to all of us. It also reminded me of the alarmingly high number of grown men who can be brought to tears by one great game. Here are some of them.
"I couldn't help it. I had tears after this one. It was awesome! I've never screamed at my tv as much as I was on that last play. I wonder if Camarillo could hear me telling him to run? I was hollering loud enough for him to, even if I do live in south Louisiana."
"i had to listen to the whole game on the radio cuz i was drivin home from palm beach. on the missed field goal and the last play i nearly ran off the highway haha"
"Being in "Buccaneerland", the closest I got to seeing the game was watching the scores on the bottom of the screen. In a house full of non-Dolphins fans, I jumped up, threw my hands up and screamed "WE ARE NO LONGER WINLESS!!!"
"I had to go to a bar with the NFL TICKET yesterday cause we don't get PHIN games in Orlando...Anyways I had to beg the bartender to put the game on, and Dolphin fans sometimes get heckled in this bar.But by the end of game the game was on the 3 screens behind the bar and everyone was on the edge of their seats, and man when Cleo aired it up.Everyone was screaming and clapping.Awesome!"
"I was screaming and jumping up and down while Camarillo ran down the field. I was going nuts. Even my husband and our neighbor (a Jets Fan and Raiders Fan) were excited for them!! WAHOO!!!"
"I didn't yell that loud since i dropped a 45 pound dumbell on my foot. i was sooooooooo loud.
haha IT was soooooooooo sweet. Never thought i wuld be so happy that were one and thirteen."
"Yep...Awesome finish!!! All I wanted was to win 1 game now LOL Now that we did it...Do I get a date with one of the Miami Cheerleaders of my choice???"
"I am the happiest gal on earth! You should have seen the stadium, it was like we DID win the superbowl!"
"1-13 never felt so GOOOD!"
"dudeeeeee. 1-13!!!!! if i was a girl id ask jason taylor to get me pregnant"
"Thank god we got the "W". So happy I got to catch the end of the game out here on the Big Island (Hawaii). Whew...I was getting worried."
"I smell a comeback, i think if we keep this winning streak going (yes, it counts as a streak), and if we pay the right people, or do what the pats do... i can see us make it to this year's superbowl...
just maybe..."
We did it. We're not the worst team of all time. Now all we have to do is beat the Patriots and it won't be a lost season. Also as a tip to help them accomplish this.....
Pass to Greg Camarillo More Often
The shocking play that ended the game was even more shocking because the player who did it was someone I didn't even know was on our active roster. It appears he can catch. Perhaps throwing to him in the future might work.